New Beginning of Entering New Global Market
for Indonesia Catfish Dish - Pecel Lele Lela

When the first time I found this restaurant at Kalimalang Pondok Kelapa, I just knew this restaurant would be great someday. After a branding incident with Starbuck Coffee company couple years ago, Pecel Lele Lela (the cooking catfish) arose and strike back again. That conflict ended up with Pecel Lele Lela is still able to use the circle green tape which similar to Starbuck Coffee until this year ends.
In spite of that, I was inspired the quote from the owner of this original Indonesian restaurant, "With Us, Pecel Lele Lela Goes Global". And I really love it. It sounds that this is the first Indonesian Restaurant going international. Frankly, I guess it's different from the famous Rumah Makan Padang (Padang Restaurant) which is earlier in going global and also was claimed by other country.
Indonesia knows that Pecel Lele Lela is getting new level this year. After the First Lady, Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono tasting the Pecel Lele Lela in the trading expo of Ministry of Marine Affair and Fishery, Pecel Lele Lela goes to President Palace (July, 20th).
"We are very proud when the president of RI allows us to serve all the guests of Palace with our cuisine," said by Rangga Umara, the owner and CEO of Pecel Lele Lela. "But the most important thing that this is the opening gate of Indonesia original cooking entering the international cuisine," he added proudly.
Well this is a big shot! What a success! But Rangga Umara utters, "This is not the matter of luck which most of businessmen hope", said the tutor of Entrepreneurship University. "Obviously, the luck is the meeting point of readiness and opportunity,"
From this young businessman who has run the restaurant for 3 years, we can take a lesson. "If the opportunity comes when we are ready for it, we can call it as a luck" So be prepared for every shot we can have.
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Nation's Product Ready To Go Global |
Sidik Rizal -
Babak Baru Buka Pintu Dunia
untuk Pecel Lele Lela

Saat pertama kali saya dapati resto ini di daerah kalimalang, Pondok Kelapa, saya sudah tahu bahwa resto ini akan besar satu saat nanti. Setelah masalah kasus merknya yang mirip dengan Starbuck Coffe dua tahun yang silam, Pecel Lele Lela bangkit kembali dan mulai menunjukkan keunggulannya. Konflik yang terjadi diselesaikan dengan Pecel Lele Lela diizinkan menggunakan logo berbentuk lingkaran pita hijau yang mirip dengan logo Starbuck hingga akhir tahun ini untuk beberapa cabang utama.
Terlepas dari masalah tersebut, saya sangat terinspirasi dengan kata-kata yang dikeluarkan oleh pemilik menu makanan asli khas Indonesia ini, "Bersama Kami Pecel Lele Mendunia" dan saya sangat menyukai marwah wacana tersebut. Kedengarannya memang ini lah yang pertama bagi restoran Indonesia mendunia setelah Rendang yang telah dibajak oleh negara tetangga.
Pecel Lele LELA Lagi menyiapkan Buka Puasa RI 1 & Para Mentri di
BalasHapusIstana Negara besok tgl 20 Agt 2010,Doakan Sukses . Amin